Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Secrets of the Lost Tomb

I'm proud to announce the official KickStarter launch of 'Secrets of the Lost Tomb', a cinematic pulp action/adventure board game.  To visit the official Kickstarter page, click here.  The illustrations we're a lot of fun to work on, as I never worked with such a diverse cast of characters before.  The look and feel we were going for was similar to that of Indiana Jones and games such as Uncharted and Tomb Raider, which I'm a huge fan of.  Overall I'm quite proud of the work I completed for the project and I hope you enjoy the game as well!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Painting of Apollo from Greek Mythology painted for a friend.  I really enjoy depicting the tales from Greek Mythology, so I had an absolute blast painting this.  I'm very eager to continue painting more images with this theme as well, as I'm always inspired the richness of Greek Mythology.