Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lost From Sea

This image started off very... unplanned. At first, I initially wanted to paint an underwater scene, but I got bored halfway through and decided to do something a bit different. I'm glad I did at the end of the day, as an underwater scene would have probably been too cliche.

Pose referenced from: [link]

EDIT: I altered the lightning a bit to make the second light source more evident.


SEZAZU said...

It seems like everyone is doing mermaids these days. Good job on the creative setting!

Anonymous said...


Ramsés Meléndez said...

cool art work!! and fantastic and nice mermaid;)

cheers! said...

Here you have done a work that most would call perfection. I however will take it a notch farther, I propose a 6 pack salute! And the beautiful Lockstock was used...I recognized her