Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wrath of Medusa

I wanted to paint Medusa for quite some time, but haven't had a chance to until recently. This image was a lot of fun to paint, but also extremely challenging; The statue's 'folds' and texture in particular were very time consuming, as was the strands of grass on the foreground. For those interested, a tutorial on how I painted this image will be available soon on Photoshop Digital Painting Magazine as well.'


pyxiee said...

I'm always glad to see new works by you. The colours are amazing, I love how Medusa's skintone contrasts the green grass.

I have a crit, however - it looks a bit stiff. Medusa looks more statuesque than the statue - her pose is stiff and her skin lacks texture. I'm not sure if this is what you were aiming for :/
Also, the tree in the background looks a little artificial - try curving it more, make it more organic. It would contrast the figures in the foreground beautifully.

cgmythology said...

Thanks Dona, I'm glad you like the colors; I'm very satisfied with how they turned out, especially the skin tones.

As for the stiff look, that was intentional for the most part; I really wanted to capture the 'feel' of the statue, so I purposely painted in both characters to feel a bit stiff. I do agree with your critiques on the background; I probably would have handled it a bit differently now that I have a fresh look on the image, especially the tree.

Thanks for your honest feedback, appreciate it. said...

George, I too feel that the characters in the foreground just seem out of place...a stronger definition would make them pop out I believe...Possible stronger shadows as well...