Monday, October 12, 2009


I've been studying the works of Boris Vallejo for quite some time, and I wanted to paint something in that style for a while now. I learned much about how to go about color and skin tones studying his work, and I think this image greatly benefited from that. For once I'm actually quite satisfied with how this image turned out; Easily my best work in terms of colors and composition IMO. The figure was referenced from Mjranum-Stock, and was very much inspired by the character from the 'X-Men' comic books/movies as well.

2 comments: said...

I thought I recognized the pose and the model...I was going to do her myself and saw your version on Deviant Art...wonderfully done. And yes, I think you pulled off that Boris look quite nicely...

cgmythology said...

Thank you; I had a lot of fun with this one, and I'm glad the Boril influence shows in this image (he's one of my main inspirations, after all) :)